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Ask a Coach!

February 22, 2022

How do I turn off my brain at night? In this blog series, “Ask a Coach!” our Writing and Learning Center coaches answer our UNC-CH undergrads’ burning questions! Check back every month to see what our coaches have to say about everything from taking breaks to utilizing office hours! 

Rise and Grind: How Studying Before Class Helped Me Academically

February 17, 2022

Rise and Grind: How Studying Before Class Helped Me Academically By Nikki, a Peer Tutor – As I’m sure many UNC students relate to, I feel like there is almost never enough time in the day to get everything done. Between juggling extracurriculars, managing part time jobs, and taking a full academic course load, it can feel overwhelming trying to do it all. What I ended up realizing, though, is maybe I don’t need to reprioritize the things but rather try restructuring the times at which I did things to maximize my efficiency. 

Ask a Coach!

February 15, 2022

What is the best way to prepare for my first exam? In this new blog series, “Ask a Coach!” our Writing and Learning Center coaches answer our UNC-CH undergrads’ burning questions! Check back every month to see what our coaches have to say about everything from taking breaks to utilizing office hours! 

Dealing with Failure Setbacks

February 10, 2022

I still remember the first time I got a “B” on a paper in college. My entire face heated up like I was sitting under a grow light, and I didn’t take in a single word from the lecture that day in PoliSci. After class, I called my mother to cry about it, but having watched me melt down every time I lost a soccer game throughout high school, she tried to remind me it wasn’t a big deal. Afterwards, I spent days convinced I was going to lose my scholarship. In the end, my mother was right. It’s fourteen years later, and I am here to report that the only reason I remember that grade is because it taught me how to use failure rather than dread it.

Ask a Coach!

February 8, 2022

How can I effectively study with friends? In this new blog series, “Ask a Coach!” our Writing and Learning Center coaches answer our UNC-CH undergrads’ burning questions! Check back every month to see what our coaches have to say about everything from taking breaks to utilizing office hours! 

Mise en Place: What Does Cooking Have to Do with Writing Anyway? 

February 3, 2022

Mise en Place: What Does Cooking Have to Do with Writing Anyway? Like lots of people, during the height of the pandemic, I got more interested in cooking. One of the things I learned about was mise en place – basically all the prep work before you start cooking.

Ask a Coach!

February 1, 2022

In this new blog series, “Ask a Coach!” our Writing and Learning Center coaches answer our UNC-CH undergrads’ burning questions! Check back every month to see what our coaches have to say about everything from taking breaks to utilizing office hours! Today’s Question: What is the best way to plan my day?

Balancing Campus Jobs and Academic Expectations

January 27, 2022

The ground is burning, the air smoky, and chaos around. You are in the middle of this battlefield, the weight of a heavy backpack of assignments weighing on your mind and the chain of job expectations tied to your leg, preventing you from moving forward. The battle between studying for your classes versus pleasing your supervisor in your part-time job is never ending, and so I wanted to share my own experiences with you, my fellow comrades in pain.

Ask a Coach!

January 25, 2022

Introducing…“Ask a Coach!” In this new blog series, our Writing and Learning Center coaches answer our UNC-CH undergrads’ burning questions! Check back every month to see what our coaches have to say about everything from taking breaks to utilizing office hours! Todays Question: What are some short, restful breaks that don’t involve scrolling through Instagram in the library? 

Mono-Tasking is My New Multi-Tasking

November 23, 2021

There are days when it feels easy to put into words my ideas on the political landscape of Tudor England and its relation to architecture. However, there are also days when I cannot write a sentence that makes any sense at all as hard as I try. Over the years in graduate school, I have tried many different techniques, tricks, and tips for staying focused and motivated while writing. Some have worked, and others have not, but I have realized how easy it is to be distracted while writing.