CBE Examples
CBE EXAMPLE OF INFORMATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: NOTE: The CBE bibliographic examples in this handout follow name-year system format. TAKEN FROM STUDENT PAPER Gallo, A, Breitmayer, B. 1993. Mothers' perceptions of sibling adjustment and family life in childhood chronic illness. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 8(5):318-323. The purpose of this study was to examine variations in sibling behavioral adjustment in relation to mothers' perceptions of the illness experience and family life. Differences were found between mothers who rated healthy siblings either poorly or very well adjusted. The findings of this study suggest that when a mother shows evidence of burden, she feels a lack of control. CBE EXAMPLE OF INDICATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: TAKEN FROM STUDENT PAPER Barkley R, Fischer M, Fletcher K, Smallish, L. 2003. Does the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder with stimulants contribute to drug use/abuse? Pediatrics 111:97-109. The result of an intense thirteen year study, this report examines the correlation between the use of stimulants to treat ADHD and the potential consequent use of illegal substances. The authors, in an attempt to research a possible negative side effect of ADHD medication, studied 147 individuals and the effects of stimulant medication. The report discusses the treatment of ADHD with medication in general, beyond the specific side effects, and includes commentary on the societal implication of stimulant treatment for such a widespread behavioral disorder. CBE EXAMPLE OF EVALUATIVE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: TAKEN FROM STUDENT PAPER National Institutes for Health. 1998. Diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. NIH Consensus Statement 16(2):1-37. This statement was prepared at a conference by experts on ADHD. The report investigates a number of treatments for ADHD and evaluates the effectiveness of these treatments. It suggests that ADHD is a growing concern and proposes that ADHD be addressed as a problem within the field of public health. The work also identifies the societal implications of treatment with stimulants. The statement presents the information in a format that is unbiased and maintains that individual treatment plans are necessary. The conclusions are drawn based on what is in the best interest of the individual with ADHD and the people around him/her. It does not rush to any conclusions, but focuses on providing in-depth information for professionals who work with this disorder. CBE EXAMPLE OF COMBINATION ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: TAKEN FROM MICHAEL A. GRASSO'S "RESEARCH AGENDA OF FOUNDATIONAL MATERIAL" Zue, V. 1995. Research overview. Laboratory for Computer Science. 1995 annual research summary. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Laboratory for Computer Science's strategy has been to develop human language technology within the context of real application domains. This strategy helps to illuminate critical technical issues, demonstrates the usefulness of the technology, and allows real people to access information and solve real problems. The Voyager urban navigation and exploration system has served as their primary platform for multilingual conversational systems. Pegasus, a spoken language interface to the SABRE reservation system, has been used for the development of displayless conversational systems. The Galaxy effort is a distributed architecture for accessing on-line information using spoken input. CBE EXAMPLE OF TELESCOPIC ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Nesse, RM, M.D., Williams, GC, Ph.D. 1996. Why we get sick: the new science of Darwinian medicine. New York: Vintage Books. 290 p. World's leading evolutionary biologist, Dr. Williams, and a physician summarize latest research on disorders from allergies to cancer. Tackles current issues in biomedicine concerning the evolutionary development of our bodies' responses to injury and disease. CBE EXAMPLE OF PARAGRAPH ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: TAKEN FROM STUDENT PAPER American Academy of Pediatrics. 2001. Clinical practice guideline: treatment of the school-aged child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatrics 108(4): 1033-44. This document makes a number of recommendations regarding the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD. Unlike many other references, this report emphasizes a thorough diagnosis and understanding of the severity of ADHD in individuals before beginning any method of treatment. The article acknowledges that many individuals with ADHD are affected differently and sometimes have dissimilar symptoms. It also reviews the effectiveness of short term and long term treatment options and concludes that a number of follow-ups is necessary to treat the disorder as the individual ages and symptoms continue to fluctuate. Used as a guideline for ADHD treatment, this reference is unique due to its circulation within the medical community. It details the steps necessary for a successful diagnosis, and the subsequent course of treatment to be prescribed by a physician. It explains the role of the doctor and family in the process of treatment and provides information on gauging the effectiveness of any individual's method of treatment.
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