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Graduate Writing Coach Application
Graduate Writing Coach Application
Writing Center graduate coach application
Full name
Preferred name
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Phone number
Who is your primary advisor?
Where are you in your program?
MA coursework
MA thesis/project
Doctoral coursework
Preparing for doctoral exams
Dissertation proposal
What is your best guess as to when you will graduate? Be realistic--we don't care whether you're taking more time than average.
What kinds of tuition support do you expect to receive next year?
Our hiring decisions are not based on whether students have another form of support; we need this information in order to set successful applicants up on our payroll. The Writing Center does not provide any assistance with tuition and/or fees; we simply pay our graduate writing coaches (who are classified as TAs) a stipend. Graduate writing coaches do qualify for health insurance, and if you are seeking tuition support from your department or the Graduate School and need confirmation that you are teaching with us, we are happy to supply that.
Scholarship, fellowship, or tuition support from UNC
Scholarship, fellowship, or tuition support from outside of UNC
Not sure
Where else do you hope to be employed next year? How many hours per week will you work at those positions?
What other significant time commitments do you expect to have next year?
Will you be available to work one evening (remaining until 8 pm) per week?
Work schedules are determined at the start of the semester and remain the same each week (though of course we can work around occasional travel or other personal commitments).
Will you be available to work during the day?
During which semesters are you interested in working?
Graduate writing coaches are trained in August and generally work either the fall only, or the fall and the following spring. New coaches cannot be hired for the summer.
Fall only
Spring only
Both fall and spring
What experience, if any, do you have with teaching undergraduates at UNC-Chapel Hill?
What experience, if any, do you have with teaching writing?
What other kinds of experience, if any, do you have with teaching, tutoring, or coaching people one on one?
Have you ever worked at a writing center or learning center? Where? How many hours per week?
What experience, if any, do you have with working with undergraduate or graduate students who are not native speakers of English?
What experience, if any, do you have developing student resources, web-based materials, planning and/or delivering workshops?
What experience, if any, do you have with social media, marketing, websites, educational technology and/or design?
Is there anything else that you would like us to know?
Please upload your statement of interest.
The statement of interest should be roughly 1 page. It is not a cover letter--it is an answer to the question "What interests you about working at the Writing Center next year?"
Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 98 MB.
Please upload a copy of your CV or résumé
Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 98 MB.
Please upload a writing sample
Please don't get too stressed about finding the perfect example. Samples should be five pages or fewer; they can be excerpted from course papers, term papers, theses, dissertations, journal articles, etc.
Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 98 MB.
First reference (please provide person's name, title, email address, and phone number)
No letters of recommendation needed. We contact references only at our discretion later in the process via an email or phone conversation.
Second reference (please provide person's name, title, email address, and phone number)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.